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Yesterday it was 2 AM and I was not sleepy, so I decided to read a bit from the book I am currently reading „Laws of Natural Success” by William Whitecloud. But before reading, I told myself that I would watch 5 minutes of Tik Tok. I set up a time in my mind so that I do not end up endlessly scrolling through the entire night.

I was on the For You page, which I rarely do and actively avoided before, because I like to listen to the personally and carefully curated accounts but I figured that I am limiting my bubble and thought that it is better to push myself to be open to something new. So I decided that every time I log in, to be curious and see one video from For you page and then head back to my Following.

I see this video from Parkers, and I was interested and I decide to follow him. Then, 2 minutes in there is another video from him talking about „What if all this life is just a dream”. It really made me think of the sayings of Don Miguel Ruiz in „The 4 Agreements” and how this whole life is an illusion and we can dream up our own life, according to how we want it and believe it can be.

And I see that he is live, and I decide to join in, it was honestly my first live meeting, because I never connected with this, but again I told myself that I should be open to new things and join him, without knowing what to expect.

What happened is that he kept on sharing nuggets of wisdom picked up from the questions the ones that were online were addressing and I jokingly commented, I quote myself „It feels like I am in a crowd listening to Jesus, because of all the wisdom shared, sustained by love and the beard helps :P” J

I felt it was like this because throughout the live meeting he shared 3 things that I deeply resonate with:

  1. In everything that happens in life, there is a lesson. Every hardship that we may face, there can be a lesson, there can be a gift for us, to rise up to our potential, grow and evolve.

I think this is a tremendous mentality switch that once fully integrated, can bring an abundant life experience. When we view every mistake that we make as a source for learning then we truly can tap into innovation and creativity.

When we see the lesson waiting for us on the other side of any experience, then, as Tony Robbins said during „Date with Destiny”, every hardship can become a worthy opponent, and not because it brings us so much to handle but because it raises ourselves to use our potential and everything we have, in order to overcome it.

And learning happens outside of our comfort zone, we grow by overcoming adversity, because I truly believe that life does not give us more than we can handle, and believing in this, can make us welcoming to every circumstance in our life, deeply trusting that we have everything we need in order to face it.

2. In everything you do, start from a place of love. Everything you are asking yourself, everything you are still exploring and try to understand a good starting point is to start with love, from love.

I truly believe that love is the most important guiding force there is and as long as we remember to live, connect, interact, act, think and react from a place of love, than we cannot really fail, moreover, we would be truly living from our divine essence.

See, that’s why I felt like listening to Jesus, this hippie guy in my mind, preaching about acceptance and love.

When we set love as the starting force, as our main voice, as our guiding compass, then everything else follows suit, inviting abundance, joy, ease and flow with life, tapping into our potential. Everything is more potent with love, when in doubt just love and everything will follow suit.

3. We come here to learn the lessons we need to learn, whether from previous live if you believe in this, or just in this life, we come to grow and evolve.

And this speaks to me so much, since I consider myself a life long learner, it being on of my core values, guiding me in my life. I believe that our purpose in life is to live up to our best version of ourselves, to bring forth our potential, and then we can bring our own, personal, unique gifts to this world.

I like this video from Baz Luhramn, full of life wisdom that speaks to me so much in which he says „In the end the race is only with ourselves”. And this is what I believe, that no matter what happens, all we got to do is give it all we have and that is enough, be our best selves and that is enough.

And if there are moments when we can’t do that, what do we do? We go back to love of course, and love ourselves and accept us even when we were not our best version of ourselves. Because I know that this guiding principle can easily transform into self defeating, haunting, crippling perfectionism.

So, after listening to this talk, I went to sleep. And I have this dream that I listened to him on a Friday and then I wake up in my dream the next day, on Saturday, and two friends of mine are at my computer, and they see a live popping up from him, and then they join. I am behind them, listening as well.

At a certain moment, he asks us what book do we think is important for the rest of the listeners to read. At that point, I move my friends so that I can sit in front of the computer and start searching for the link for the book by Lise Bourbeau – Heal your wounds. Like in my dream, I had the name in Romanian, but now, searching for it I see that it is different in English :)) Btw, which book would you recommend if your message could reach to every person in this world?

After this, he engages with one of the listeners and start this very interesting exercise, bear with me, I promise I have been building up to this very marvellous way of thinking:

  • What is the worst think that can happen to a person, he asks the person he engages with.
  • Not have enough…
  • And what happens when one does not have enough?
  • They live in a scarcity mode?
  • And what happens when they live in a scarcity mode?
  • They constrict and enter into survival mode.
  • And what happens when somebody lives from a survival perspective?
  • They constrict and don’t fully express their potential.
  • And what happens when they don’t live up to their potential?
  • They cannot fulfil their purpose in live.
  • And what happens when they cannot fulfil their purpose in life?
  • They are denying life itself and the gift they have been given at birth, that of living.

And this can carry on until you reach the worst possible answer for you. And here comes the twist. I integrated this belief during Date with Destiny with Tony Robbins, I heard and knew it in different forms before, but during this conference I got to truly integrate it: „Life happens for us, not to us”.

  • And what would happen to a person which does not have enough, when they truly believe with all their being that life happens for them, and not to them?
  • They believe that the Universe will provide.
  • And what happens when they believe the Universe will provide?
  • They relax and trust that they can face everything, that everything will be alright in the end and if it is not alright, then it is not the end.
  • And what happens when they believe everything will be alright in the end?
  • They invite solutions in their lives and they attract all the resources they need, the people who can support and find in themselves what they need to push through.
  • And what happens when they invite solutions?
  • They get to put in practice their potential, put to work the skills and their abilities in order to push through.
  • And what happens when they live to their highest potential?
  • They are living their purpose in life.
  • And what happens when they are living their purpose in life?
  • They are having an enriching, loving, plenary human experience.

And this for me is pure alchemy. Using this process I came to alchemise my biggest fear into my biggest wish and burning desire, and all by integrating the core belief to start with.

I recommend that you give a try to this journaling exercise, starting with this question: What is the worst think that can happen to a person?  Then you carry on answering until you feel you have reached the most terrible thing you can muster.

When you reach this point, you can use the same belief I used or any other supporting belief that is close to your heart and see how life is transformed when we let ourselves by guided by the right thing.

What I learned from all of this and what you can take from it all?

  1. Get out of my comfort zone and be open to meet new people, new perspectives, new environments, I never know when amazing things come my way like it happened last night with @parkers_paintings, go check him out on tik tok, he is an amazing artist as well.
  2. Whenever I wake up, think of my last dream and go back for a bit to sleep, lucid dream it and take the most out of it. Then take my dreams journal to document it, my super conscious mind can give me very powerful messages.
  3. If you are in a difficult situation or in any other moment, as a matter of fact, choose a mentor or a person you truly appreciate. Ask yourselves what would they think, what would they do, how would they act, and try to emulate it. Jokingly, but not quite, this pops into my mind: „What would Jesus do?”

Hope you guys enjoyed this, have an amazing day!